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Plan for success: Mariane Cresp's Expert Tips for Goal Setting

Embrace SMART goals all while staying organised with the chic PILOT FriXion Clicker gel pen – the key to effortless planning and sustainable productivity. Elevate your journey and make 2024 your most accomplished year yet!

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Mariane Cresp

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Mariane Cresp loves planning, organising and stationery for self-care, productivity and mental well-being.  She has 94,200 followers on her Instagram page where she shares her tips and tutorials with her followers.  Here, Mariane shares her top tips for setting goals and planning for success in 2024:

1.     Be SMART

It’s important to set “S.M.A.R.T.” Goals – SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time Specific goals:

  •  SPECIFIC: Your goals should be clear and well-defined. For example, instead of saying “I want to exercise more,” you could say; “I want to start walking for 20 minutes 3 times a week.”

  •  MEASURABLE: You should be able to measure your progress. Instead of saying; “I want to exercise more,” you could say; “I want to exercise three times a week for 30 minutes.”

  •  ACHIEVABLE: Your goals need to be realistic and attainable. It’s important to challenge yourself but make sure it is something you can reach. Instead of saying; “I need to clean the house,” you could say; “I’m going to spend 10 minutes each day to clean an area of the house.”

  •  RELEVANT: Your goal should be meaningful and important to you. You should never create goals that are someone else’s. Instead of saying; “I want to lose weight so I can fit in with my group of friends,” you could say; “I want to be active and feel confident in the clothes that I am wearing.”

  •  TIME SPECIFIC: Your goal should have a deadline or an end outcome. Instead of saying; “I want to read more books,” you could say; “I want to read 1 book each month for the next 12 months.”

Using the SMART framework can help you create effective goals and be more likely to achieve them.

2.     Break it up

Once you’ve set your SMART goals, it’s a good idea to then break them into smaller tasks. This will help you manage your tasks a lot better, and you can feel more productive and not get too overwhelmed.

3.     Lovely stationery

Choose a pretty planner and your favourite pen. Having a planner can help you stay organised and keep track of deadlines and appointments. And it’s also important to have a good writing pen.  I’m love planning and journaling in my Filofax planners.

The importance of organisation and planning is reflected in my stationery choices. A stylish planner and an erasable pen are now must-have tools. I adore using the PILOT FriXion Clicker Erasable gel pen for its innovative erasable gel ink. This pen allows me to effortlessly make changes to my planner, enhancing my overall writing experience. Its comfortable grip provides extra comfort during extended planning sessions. Additionally, the pen's refillable nature aligns perfectly with my commitment to sustainability, ensuring continuous use without the need for disposal.

I love Pilot Pens – they make the perfect writing tools to help you stay organised and focused.

4.     Easy does it

Another great tip when it comes to setting your goals and planning is to be flexible. Life can and will throw unexpected curveballs, so it’s important to be flexible and adapt your plans accordingly.

5.     Little Milestones

When it comes to setting and achieving your goals, it’s important to celebrate the small wins! Celebrating small milestones along the way can help you motivated and stay on track towards achieving your bigger goals.

6.     Reach out

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Sometimes we need that little push or guidance from others to help us achieve our goals. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from a family member, a friend, or a mentor. Having an accountability partner can be the push you may need for when you “don’t feel like it!”

 Remember, setting goals is not just a New Year’s resolution. It’s ongoing that requires you to do it even when the motivation isn’t there or the new-ness of the New Year has faded. By using these goals setting tips, you can set yourself up for success and achieve your goals in the coming year.

About Author

Mariane Cresp

Mariane Cresp is passionate about cultivating self-care, productivity, and mental well-being through her love for planning, organising, and stationery. With an impressive number of followers on her Instagram page, Mariane generously shares her insightful tips and tutorials, inspiring her dedicated audience to enhance their lives through intentional and mindful practices.

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